The Wider Curriculum
Here are just a few of the wider parts of school life that make our school unique and special.

Forest Schools
Each half term we offer Forest Schools to different groups of children by our school based trained staff

Trips last year included Hyde Hall, Hanningfield Reservoir, Colchester Zoo and Hedingham Castle

Visitors bring our learning to life. Last year we welcomed a range of visitors hosting a planetarium, an ancient Greek day and a Great Fire of London day

Y6 Residential
Year 6 have an active residential trip run by PGL

Meet Bailey
Bailey is our Therapy Dog who visits every week.

All of our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children have weekly whole class violin lessons

Music Lessons
We have peripatetic teachers who come in to offer a range of private music lessons from piano to guitar to woodwind

Our choir sang at various events last year including the Barnardo's Young Supporters concert at The Royal Albert Hall, accompanied by The Philharmonic Orchestra

World Book Week
As well as dressing up as our favourite characters, we celebrated our love of reading with a reading cafe, a book on a plate competition and 2 Author visits

Charity Days
Each of our House Captains ran a charity day last year including mad hair day

Eco Council
Our Eco Council lead a range of projects and have helped us achieve Green Flag status for the last 3 years

Every year group takes part in a production including a Nativity, a Spring show and a Leavers' show

We include a wide range of PE and sports in our curriculum - there is something for everyone

Links with CSAC
Being so close to Chelmsford Sports and Athletics Centre we make the most of it attending events here and holding KS2 here

Having our own on site pool means that everyone from Reception up has a term of swimming lessons every year

Learning Outside
Opportunities for learning in a variety of ways

Sports Week
We have a separate KS1 &2 Sports week where children tried a huge range of sports including BMXing, skateboarding, balance bikes and fencing

Our Year 6 children take part in bikeability, equipping them with the skills to cycle safely and confidently