Friends of Newlands Spring Primary School (FONS)
Who are FONS?
FONS was formed over 30 years ago as a registered charity (Charity Number: 284873). It is run by a lively and enthusiastic team of parents who are committed to enhancing the experience of all children at our school. Any parent with a child at the school is a friend however the Friends committee is run by parents who are willing to give some of their own time to organise the fund raising activities throughout the year. Some parents stay on the committee for many years whilst others just help out for a year.
What do FONS do?
The Friends Committee organises various events and activities to raise funds for the school. These funds are used to improve both the learning and recreational environment of the school, as well as fund occasional activities for the children such as leavers discos and souvenirs. The majority of events are organised with the children in mind although we have the odd event for adults only. Further information on FONS and events can be found on their Facebook page and Events page
Examples of previously run events include:
- Bag2School
- Bingo - Junior and Adult
- Christmas Bazaar
- Discos - Christmas, Halloween, Summer
- Non-Uniform Day
- Rainbow Run
- Skittleman
- Summer Faye
Committee Meetings
Meetings are held approximately once a month and are open to any parent, with a child at the school, who would like to attend. We are always pleased to welcome new faces at our meetings so don't be shy, come along and join the fun. New faces bring new ideas which are vital in ensuring our continued success. Meetings are published in advanced.
'Lets Work Together'
Mulitple heads are certainly better than a few, all the FONS committee have work and busy lives which is why we need support and ideas from all of you too. If you would like to join our brilliant team and get involved in some fun and exciting fundraising planning for our children then please do get in touch.
Although FONS is always looking for additional members you do not need to be a Committee member to contribute. There are other ways you can help. These include:
- Volunteering: We will never ask for more time than you can give, the odd hour here and there when preparing the big events for our childen will make a huge difference to us. Without the help of parents many of our events could not be possible. Every little bit helps and at the end of the day it is the children who benefit.
- Doantion: Sending in donations to support the FONS raffles and Non uniform days for example
- Passing on useful contacts: For example, do you work for or know a company that may be able to assist us? We have to buy various things for our events such as drinks, teas/coffee, lucky dip presents, wine and prizes - would your company be willing to sponsor us to help with these purchases? Does your company do £ for £ fund raising? Does it offer grants to charities for which we could apply?
How have FONS spent the money raised?
This amazing work by FONS has enabled the school to purchase the following for the school over the year such as
- Christmas Panto performance for all children every year
- £1500 for English/Maths equipment every yeat
- IT equipment such as headphones, laptops, desktops, tablets, digital cameras
- Lunchtime club play equipment
- Toys and resources for different year groups
- Violins
- Playground markings
- Football goals
- Workshops for science, RE
- Cookery equipment
- Water cooler
- Outdoor seating
Contacting FONS
We are all approachable whether its in the playground, on the FONS Facebook page or by email on Messages may also be left at the office to be forwarded to the FONS team..
Any support you can give us will be extremely appreciated.