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Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School

Our Staff


Nursery (Apple Bay): Mrs Thomas  
Reception (Oak Bay): Mrs Randall  Reception (Willow Bay): Miss Emslie
Year 1 (Ash Bay): Mr Watson Year 1 (Lime Bay): Mrs Piper
Year 2 (Elm Bay): Mrs Lindop Year 2 (Maple Bay): Mrs Oates
Year 3 (Holly Bay): Mrs Barker / Miss Travers Year 3 (Pine Bay): Mrs Perry
Year 4 (Beech Bay): Miss Radley Year 4 (Chestnut Bay): Mrs Cross / Miss Edwards
Year 4 (Birch Bay): Miss Gray  
Year 5 (Rowan Bay): Miss Carpenter Year 5 (Sycamore Bay): Mrs Clifton
Year 6 (Cedar Bay): Mrs Rusby Year 6 (Spruce Bay): Mr Troughton
Grow: Mrs Middleton SENDCo: Mrs Anchor
PPA Cover: Mrs Webber, Mrs Paskins, Mrs Rolfe, Mrs Shaikhly Assistant SENDCo: Mrs Gowers
Other:   Pupil Support: Mrs Ormrod

Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)

 Reception (Oak Bay):  Mrs Eburne Reception (Willow Bay): Mrs Harvey
Year 1 (Ash Bay): Mrs Pierce Year 1 (Lime Bay): Mrs Stafford
Year 2 (Elm Bay): Mrs Steen Year 2 (Maple bay): Mrs Bailey
Year 3: Miss Snelling Year 4: Mrs Beasley & Mrs Poole
Year 5: Mrs Dalby Year 6: Mrs Fowles 
Relief: Mrs Diwell, Mrs Willson Nursery: Mrs Calder, Mrs Currie, Mrs Foreman,  Mrs Gatrell-Lucas, Ms Johns, Mrs Locke,  Mrs Smith

SEN Welfare LSAs

Mrs Eade (Speech & Language) Mrs Wagstaff Mrs Ambrose Mrs Berris
Mrs Anderson Mrs Smith Mrs Barry Mrs Bongard
Mrs Clark Miss Colley Mrs Gore Mrs Grint
Miss Patience Mrs Tomlinson Miss Young Mrs Vickers


Chief Finance Officer: Mrs Orley    Office Staff: Mrs Eaves, Miss Palmer
Chief Operations officer: Mrs Ellwood IT Lead: Mrs Abbott
HR: Mrs Youssef Admin/Reception: Mrs Giles
Pastoral Manager: Mrs Ormrod   
CTSA: Mrs Weatherhead  SCITT: Mrs Butterworth, Ms Gariazzo, Mrs Mackintosh, Mrs Wall

Mid-Day Assistants (MDAs)

 Mrs Beasley (Senior MDA, Playground) Mrs Hewitt (Senior MDA, Hall)
Mrs Ambrose Mrs Barry Mrs Bongard Mrs Galbraith
Mrs Gatrell-Lucas Mrs Grint Mrs Harvey Mrs Lee
Mrs Pestano Mrs Poole Mrs Roberston Miss Snelling
Mrs Steen Mrs Stewart Mrs Vickers Mrs Willson

Peripatetic Music Teachers

Mrs Andrews: Brass Mrs Perkins: Violin
Mr Calabro: Guitar  Mr Parkin: Singing
Mr Catchpole: Woodwind Mrs Morrow: Piano and keyboard 

Springers Breakfast and Afterschool Club

Manager: Mrs Tracey Brown        
Mrs Bodimeade (Deputy) Mrs Bhachu Mrs Gattrell-Lucas Mrs Harvey
Miss Johns Mrs Robertson    


Caretakers:  Mr Baines Mr Fleming  


Head Cook: Mrs Goodall        
Mrs Anderson (Relief) Miss Brooks Mrs Lee Dr M Comey
Mrs Webb      

Swimming Pool

Pool Administrator: Mrs Watson      
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