Community News
Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School recognises the importance of a cohesive community and has developed links with a number of organisations within the local community.
From time to time these organisations make us aware of events or information that might be of interest to our parents and children. We will published any such events or information below.

Baddow Eagles Basketball Club
Basket Ball Club for primary school children in Years 3 to 6. Run by experienced coaches at Great Baddow High School on Fridays. Click here for further details
St Andrew Church
Little Fishes - Activties for children aged 0 - 5 years, with their parent and carers. Hed on Fridays term time 9.45-11.45 am
Open Door Community Cafe: for parents with pre-school children. Thursdays 8.30 - 11.30am
Writtle Minors FC
Writtle Minors are welcoming new playrs of all ages and abilities. For further information please click here
Essex Library Services
Essex Library Services can offer a wide range of free reading and online resources, including:
- e-books and e-audio for children, teenagers and adults
- e-comics and graphic novels for children, teenagers and adults
- e-magazines and e-newspapers
- online learning courses and reference materials
Click here for further information on the online service, books and magazines at your fingertips and Disney e-comics
Blue Flacons Display Team
The Blue Falcon Gymnastic Display team are recruiting!
This is gymnastic vaulting with a difference. It’s TEAM vaulting which means that the team vaults TOGETHER!! It’s faster, more exciting and definitely more fun than any gymnastics that you’ve seen on TV (and it keeps you fit!) All this for just £3 per session. For more information and contact details go to:
(posted: 16.01.2020
Free Legal Advice
Our law clinic can offer you a free half-hour appointments with our specialist family lawyers and student advisors. Get face-to-face legal advice about your family matters every other Thursday from 10am to 1pm. Click here for further information or email
Look 4 a Book
Looking for something to do? A movement called 'Look 4 a Book UK' has been created on Facebook. You can join our local Facebook group to see where books may be hidden in the local community. Please join our group to find out more about this fun activity for the whole family to enjoy. For further information click here or visit our facebook page
Posted: 8/9/2019
Kip McGrath
Posted: 3/7/2019
Muddy Boots Forest School
Muddy Boots Forest School is a parent toddler group held in Writtle College. Its on Mondays 10:30 and 13:00 and is suitable for all children toddling upwards. It's a very relaxed informal group where parents can meet others, have a coffee and step back while their little ones get busy in nature.
Have a look and see what we get up to here.
(Posted: 6/5/2019)
Free English and Maths Courses (ACL)
Free English & maths courses at Adult Community Learning Essex. Helping you to help your kids with their:
- Homework
- Reading
- Writing
- Spelling
- Maths
Courses take part in class or online and are delivered by experienced tutors. There is still time to register your interest for this academic year.
Visit or call 0345 603 7635.
Chelmsford City Swimming Club: Water Polo
Posted: 20/3/2019
Writtle Minors Football
A friendly and welcoming local youth football club catering for boys and girls from ages 6-18. Further information is available on or directly by email ( or by phone (07989 234875).
Posted: 8/2/2019
4-19 Health Drop In Sessions
Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service ‘4-19 Health drop in sessions’ to support families and young people around areas such as:
- ‘Day and night wetting
- Hearing and vision tests
- Weight and dietary issues
- General physical and emotional health problems
- Sleep/behavioural concerns
- Parenting concerns…………………… and more’
For more information on times and locations please click here.
Posted: 3/1/2019
Wakarishni Jujitsu, Chelmsford
The Wakarishin Jujitsu club is held at CCHS every Wednesday evening from 6.45pm and at Chelmsford Sports and Athletic centre on a Sunday evening from 5pm onwards. The Junior classes are perfect for primary aged children - they will learn a new and important life skill and they will improve their self-confidence and discipline. Full details of clubs and times are available at or from Sensei Dave James (5th Dan) on 07779 106791. The first class is free so parents have nothing to lose from trying it out.
Posted: 3/10/2018
Home & Fire Safety
If you would like a representative from the Home Fire Safety Team to review the fire safety arrangements in your home, please call 0300 303 0088 or visit
Posted: 28/6/2018
Horse Riding Opportunities
Chelmsford Equestrian Centre is offering pony rides and ‘own a pony’ sessions. Please visit their website for more information https://www.chelmsfordequestriancentre
Posted: 21/6/18
Aqua Bumps
Aqua Bumps is now offering pre and post-natal exercise classes in Chelmsford and Dunmow. Please email for more information.
Posted: 21/6/18
Jigsaw Performing Arts
Jigsaw are offering performing arts classes at Moulsham High School on Saturday mornings. More information from
Posted 15/3/18
UK Air Ambulance - Charity Appeal
UK Air Ambulance rely entirely on charitable donations and are looking for people to recycle stamps and donate them to their latest appeal. Any stamps you save should be posted to Air Ambulance, Stamp Appeal, 59 Mitre Copse, Bishopstoke Near Eastleigh, Hants, SO50 8QE