Newlands Spring Primary School aims to teach every child passing through the school the importance of a cohesive community. The driving force behind this is:
- To develop a social awareness and concern for others, promote citizenship and equip children with the life-skills they need.
- To develop a community spirit.
- To develop a collaborative community where positive attitudes, relationships and role-models as well as mutal support and respect are valued, and high standards of behaviour are demanded.
- To develop a sense of reverence, appreciation, awe and wonder about the world.
- To accept responsibility by making a personal commitment to an individual group or group.
Ths is achieved through activities in the classroom, through links in the community and through charity work
Newlands Spring has links with a range of community organisations as follows:
- The school maintains regular links with St Andrew's Church
- Clergy from different local churches regularly take school assembly.
- Harvest produce are boxed up at school and delivered by pupils and staff to local charities.
- Different members of the community visit the school to support reading in the classrooms.
- The school maintains regular links with the Pre-School, with the foundation stage staff visiting on a regular basis.
- The school choir perform concerts for the community and charity events, such as Barnardos.
- Community police offices regualrly visit the school
- Offices from the Fire Service regularly visit the school
- Newlands Spring Rainbows meet weekly at the school